Super Fechral Wire

  1. Low tendency to ageing and low resistance change
  2. Excellent surface oxidization properties
  3. Excellent for high temperature heating, up to 1400°C

About Super Fechral Wire

We supply Super Fechral Wire, this product has much better properties than all other Fechral/FeCrAl alloy Wires made in China. It is made with powder-metallurgical and dispersion-strengthened technique. This is the same technique that Kanthal wires was produced with. Basing on our experimental data, our super Fechral wire is better than Kanthal D wire and Kanthal A-1 wire on every aspect, such as the working temperature, anti-oxidization ability, plasticity, working life, etc. Though it is still not as good as Kanthal APM wire, but it is definitely a good choice for replacing Kanthal D and Kanthal A-1 wire considering its lower price.

To prove it, the best way is trying it yourself; we can provide free sample. This product has the potential to save you a lot of cost.

Super Fechral Wire and Coil Chemical Composition:

  C % Si % Mn % Cr % Al % Fe %
Min 22 Bal.
Max 0.04 0.4 0.4 24.5 5.8


Super Fechral Wire and Coil Properties:

Density g/cm3 Electrical resistivity at 20°C Ω mm2/m Poisson’s ratio Yield strength MPa Tensile strength MPa Elongation % Accelerated life test (1350oC) (hours) Melting point °C
7.10 1.4-1.5 0.30 470 650-800 >14% >80 1500
Number of Bends Max continuous operating temperature in air °C Specific heat capacity kJ kg-1 K-1 Thermal conductivity W m-1 K-1 Coefficient of thermal expansion Temperature factor of resistivity Young’s modulus
7-12 1400 0.46-0.80 11-35 11-16 1.0-1.04 130-220


Available Specifications:

Super Fechral Wire Diameter:0.1mm-9mm, 0.004 Inch to 0.39 Inch
Super Fechral Coil We manufacture the coils by customer’s requirements

Super Fechral Wire and Coil Characteristic: 

  1. Low tendency to ageing and low resistance change
  2. Excellent surface oxidization properties
  3. Excellent for high temperature heating


Super Fechral Wire and Coil Applications:

Super Fechral Wire is typically used electrical heating elements, such as industrial furnaces, high temperature furnace, vape wire, etc.

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ISO Certified  Metals